Saturday, November 5, 2011

What's going on with me?

I'm totally going nuts! So many things are going on in my room! I just switched over bulletin boards to comply with my Principals "Once a Month" policy. So I finally hung up the Line art Landscapes, Spooky Silhouettes, and Day of the Dead art. My third graders are now working on a drawing of Plains Indians Pots, making a fun story out of the typical symbols found in Plains Indian art. I have some fifth grade classes starting a observational drawing of their hands with abstracted backgrounds, and some fourth grade classes working on scratch art boards drawing a still life. 

What I am finding frustrating now though, is the lack of time I have seen my beginning of the week classes! We have had so many days off for holidays and teacher training, and now a random blizzard that my poor kiddies in my Monday and Tuesday classes are about 5 art days behind the other kids! That's an entire project behind! Well, I hope soon that things will balance out, this way I don't have to choose a project to cut. I'm already adapting one to make it shorter and take out some skills- hopefully that will help.  Oh well!

I'm looking forward to posting pictures of the new projects soon!

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